Pack Includes
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For iClone only:
  • Material > Substance (2)

For Character Creator and iClone :
  • Character > Cloth (45)

  • Character > Shoes (8)

  • Material > Material (41)

Product description
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NOTES: Cloth models in this pack have been created for CC Male character and it's not recommended to use it with female. All models good fit to each other, but combinations with some cloth models from other packs on the market could look unnatural because of style differences.

Each cloth fashion represented as "Base" model and several "Ready-To-Use" models with pre-defined materials.
Base models oriented on use as templates in CC Appearance Editor -- they have all main textures (Normal, AO, WS Normal, RGB Mask) and empty Fabric definition (You can define fabrics and effects as You like).
Ready-To-Use models have hand-made photo-realistic textures (not dynamic) and You are not able to modify them in CC, but You can tune cloth colors directly in iClone using ColorTune tool and RGB Masks (the same as in CC Base models) included in this pack.
Most textures have 2K resolution.

What in Pack:
53 Cloth models:
- Upper -- 5 Bases, 20 Ready-To-Use;
- Lower -- 5 Bases, 15 Ready-To-Use;
- Shoes -- 2 Bases, 6 Ready-To-Use.
41 Ready-To-Use models Material files (.iMtl) for use in iClone.
2 ColorTune substance tools (Standard and Advanced).
Documentation and RGB Masks in .ZIP file.

Documentation includes detailed pack description. Please download and read it before purchasing.
More demo images can be found in items links and in "PRCC Products Line by Vit3D" forum post.
Readme file:
CC1 CharacterCC1 CharacterUniversalUniversalCC Component