Pack Includes
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For iClone only:
  • Actor > Gloves (1)

  • Actor > Legacy Standard Human (1)

  • Actor > Lower Body (2)

  • Actor > Shoes (1)

  • Actor > Upper Body (1)

Product description
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PR5 Mr.Strong (PR5MS_Base) is ready-to-use photo-realistic character base on G5 skeleton system with increased mesh resolution head (Eric) on G5 facial bones.
All items in PR5 (Photo Realistic 5) have custom body models with hi-resolution photo-realistic textures, specially designed for close look in HD video production and they fully comparable with any standard G3-G5 motions and facial animations.
Pack also includes character's SkinSuit.

1. This character has custom mesh and skeleton bone scales and using any parts of this character (except head) and SkinSuit with other standard G5 characters can cause loosing of original shape.
2. Because of custom mesh Eric head has some restrictions on re-shaping inside iClone.
Please read THIS INFORMATION before purchasing product.

What in pack.
PR5MS_Base.iAvatar - complete character with PR5x2_Eric head;
PR5MS_SS_L.iLower - SkinSuit lower model;
PR5MS_SS_LP.iLower - SkinSuit LowerPlus model with belt element (see more information HERE )
PR5MS_SS_U.iUpper - SkinSuit upper model;
PR5MS_SS_Gloves.iGlove - SkinSuit gloves model;
PR5MS_SS_Shoes.iShoe - SkinSuit flat shoes model;

PR5MS_Opacity_Masks ZIP archive includes useful Opacity masks

NOTE: For decreasing pack's download size upper, lower and lowerplus SkinSuit models in this pack have reduced material resolution (1024x1024) for body skin, but You can easy restore original resolution (2048x2048) by applying corresponding skin materials from PR5MS_Base character.

For more information see also PR5 characters usage .
CC1 CharacterLegacy Actor